Guys.. Lemme tell
ya'll something
When I plan something, I wanna make the best of it, I dont plan stuff when I cant do it and I DO have my reasons when I change plans.. its not like
"owh heyy.. i dont want you guys to come lets change the date/place.."
"so what if he/she cant make it, who cares about him/her"
etc etc..
I pick the best dates when the most of us can show up.. let me tell you okay, its not easy informing every single one of you so I only request 1 simple thing and that is your COOPERATION..
Do you know how much stress do I have to go through just to make it work.. When I suggest or ask something new couldnt you at least.. AT Least laaa.. try to give me a decent reply.. thats all I ask for, ONE FRIGGIN DECENT REPLY COULD DO SOO MUCH HELP... instead of going off TALKING SHIT when im serious. When I send you and sms asking for your confirmation reply laa As soon as possible, why do you have to dragg and waste precious daylight?! 20sen couldnt kill you, and if you say no credit then BULLSHIT! izzit that hard to use your house phone/parents phone to call?!
There are times for fun and randomness and there ARE ALSO times to be serious..
When its a yes or no question GIMME A FRIGGIN YES OR NO AND DONT GO SAYING I DUNNO AND ALL THOSE OTHER CRAP. Tonite, I just blew okay and couldnt take it anymore.. The past few events were all planned by me and Im happy that you guys did show up..
I thank all those that were help full e.g ZY, Jelly and Aloha (dont get offended if your name is not mentioned as they helped alot). as they know the difference between fun and serious.. AND if you wanna come.. you can just easily type your name at the list there, IT DOSENT EVEN TAKE YOU 5mins TO DO IT.. And it is open to all Kempas-ian.
If you would like to join, put your name there, its your own responsibility dont call people to reserve or whatever SHIT FOR YOU.. If youcant access the web or have limited access to the computer.. then only we will put your name there..
Im sry if this post was vulgar, i just couldnt take it anymore..