Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bozo Exams

No ones, been updating lately besides me posting those stupid pictures of Afiq. 

2 months ago Jun Meng posted about first-term exams. And dat's just 4 post away from this. He asked me to post more bout it but I didn't. So without further ado, I'm gonna tell you something bout this term. First of all, Jun Meng's gone okay? He's no more sitting in front of me. And dat means, no copying, no exchanging paper, and absolutely no more ASKING! But though he's gone, we still have our special "dumb" handmotions to communicate. 

Secondly, Joel keeps taking off his spectacles when doing exams papers. I'm guessing relaxation increaser, mojo mind powering, hallucinating, brain-body pleasing, self-head talking, intuitive empowering, mind racking, mono-brain storming or he's just bloody doing dat for fun. 

Thirdly, Ci-bong kia has been saying add-maths damn easy add-maths damn easy add-maths damn easy. And all I'll ever do was ask him to go consult Dr. Phil cause he needs rehab.

Oh talking about add-maths, this brings me to no.4.. Felicia, she's been a really great friend and the more she's not replying wad I said because she's sorta "studying" the more I'll laugh when she gets a B. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

