Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Anniversery

Yo!!!!!!! It's been a long long time since i posted something..oni Yang think i posted the last post -.-'' How is everyone doin?? Good i guess..Yang not..failin almost everything here's the thing...our anniversery is comin soon...about 17 days me and marisa thought of inviting you guys to come celebrate wif us=^.^'s in at and marisa are plannin to take LRT there after PBSM wif another friend..we'r goin around 1..those who wan feel free to join one more thing..plsss plsss dun tease her too much k..if not she'll go all quiet and me noe asap k ^^


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A little update lah, this blog is so dead.

Aloha is as sakai as ever, or maybe less?
Boh wants to watch Ice Age 3, heard it was hilarious!
Boon Aun's birthday just passed, hope u had a great one!
CK wants to go Karaoke, voiceless the nxt day alright?
Chelsea wants her black wallet, chill you'll get it in time.
Felicia likes playing Word Puzzle, searching to be exact.
Harry just ran a long marathon, staying fit & healthy!
Jun Meng is the smartest guy in class, yay!
Joel talks crap just to sell stuffs, it's working though.
Jelly wants to exercise again, it's been weeks!
Shu Fei just finished cheer, she has muscles yea.
Yang wants to continue ponteng-ing class, I can see how fun it is.