Friday, December 30, 2011


Paintball today was was literally pain ball...seriously...against ALL ODDS i got shot in the ball...i will never forget the pain @.@..for those of you who missed this outing..i'm sorry to say you missed out on a priceless opportunity to catch up with each other...this outing reminded me of what we used to be..what we still are..a family..i must admit..our little family has shrunk considerably..but that doesn't mean it will stay that way..the flames that has got out will rekindle..burning stronger and brighter...that will signify our spirit..our family..hope to see you guys soon ^^


Thursday, September 15, 2011


I love coming back here. Even though its not updated at all. Memories :')

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I don't know if anyone of you will ever come back here,
but one fine day I looked back at this blog
that was when I was talking to Aloha and he was looking at this blog too
I cannot believe we, 3 Kempas '08 were so united.
we even had our blog, youtube channel and now the 3kempas group in facebook.
I looked back at our previous posts, videos, and i started recalling them one by one.
The last post was by Harry last year before our SPM.
It's been months.
Will we ever come back reunited like this?
Answer is, obviously, no.
But at least, we could catch up?
Like Harry said, even small talks count.
We may have our own lives, but I will never ever forget I was in 3Kempas 2008
Everyone's busy in college now.
It's sad to know that time flies, quickly, and even the so called world end 2012 is coming
I just want to let all of you know that, you guys lighted up my life.
I will never forget 3Kempas
Honestly, this class was the most reunited class i ever had.
I wonder if anyone will read this...

Boon Aun

Saturday, September 11, 2010


I really do miss those times.

Chasing each other around class.
Creating havoc and chaos all the time.
Getting on each others nerves for no apparent reason at all.
Goofing off in class and not giving a damn about who ever's in front.
Sharing moments and jokes whenever we like.
Rebelling to almost every teacher we dislike.
Having outings and gatherings constantly without fail.

To me,
It has always been Us against the World.
Never having to fear loneliness, because I know that you guys would always be there.
Having each others back and always giving support to one another.
It was definitely a privilege hanging out with you guys.
Waking up in the morning, actually excited to know whats gonna happen in school.
Yea... Even though we may get lectures from teachers. But still, we stuck together.
How freaking COOOOL IS THAT. YES! I mean it with 4 O's!

But. Lets face reality.
No matter how much we speak of getting together again.
It never works out. Well, not recently..
Look at our last outing together at the bottom of this blog. Really?
Its already September.
Everyone has changed. Including myself.
We have our own interest now. Our own peers.
Those.. who share the same interest as us.
But it isn't anybody's fault. We are all growing up. Heading our own direction.
And form 4 streaming put most of us apart. We have our own goals to fulfill.
I could go on forever. But Im sure you get my POINT.

Some of us already know what we want to do.
Some of us are already planning to leave the country for further studies.
Well. Sadly to say.. this will also be another factor for us not being able to get together as often.
In the canteen today. I look at anyone from 3 Kempas 08.
Honestly. I have no idea what to say to that person. Its always "Hi"'s and "Bye"'s
Its different now. Even if we say we want an outing. Majority of you dont even seem eager about it. Some dont even respond to the invitation. Its like we're complete strangers. This also makes us tired, fed up. and thats why those usual organizers dont bother planning anymore.

Its happening. And I DONT WANT IT TO HAPPEN!

If we want this to work out again.
If we want this to be like old times.
We have to play our part.
If you truly miss this class.
You would be sad that this is actually happening.
Look at the previous post. We were suppose to have each others back all the way
But its falling apart. Rather quickly I can say. Yes you may have your own life now.
But once a Kempasian always a Kempasian.

We dont have to hang out all the time.
But, once in awhile. we should actually get together and reminisce about the old days.
We dont have to sit together in the canteen.
But we should try to acknowledge each other more.
Make small talk. It counts. :)
No matter whatever the topic.
Try to keep each other updated about your own life.
Current events? Interest? Anything!
Im sure its a thousand times better than a wave and a smile.

These are simple task, and are not hard to do.
Im sure we're better than this.
Its time to walk the walk.

Good luck in your SPM trials and SPM.
Study hard weih. Im sure each and everyone of you can make it
We are all people with full of potential. :D

With lots of love

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lovely Memories

Hey guys...i was's been 2 years's like it was yesterday me and yang sang 'yesterday' the remix version for pmr our spm trials is just around the corner...anyway..the main reason i'm posting this is because..when i think back to 2 years ago..when we were just kids..i remember certain events tat really sticked to in my mind..
The first thought is the very first time jelly and joel met..i think..haha..i was sitting next to joel in class and jelly was sitting behind me...i cant remember exactly when..but i remember tat it was around feb or march..the two of u was always fighting..'u are short' joel would say..and jelly would say things like' so??is being short that bad??' then u two will fight about the advantages and the disadvantages of being short or tall for days..i mean literally..u two fought the next day and the next until either one of u forgot about it or something..haha..i even remember joel saying 'you are so short u wont even qualify to sit the baby rides in genting..i was laughing my heads off

The second thought would be er wei..i still cant believe he smoked paper...haha..he inhaled a burn rolled up paper and puff out black a dragon...haha..then there was pol..rubber band wei would stock his pencil box full wif paper ammo and rubber bands..those who took chinese missed the fun..haha..damn sad

The third thought is..erm..oh..the conquer match against boh..haha..tat time i damn kia su man...i remembered boh said'jun meng..give chance la' then when i did..she conquer me u noe..i damn shock..haha..then i remember i conquered her back...her whole base u noe..u noe how i did it?? i cheated XD ck saw me do wan samore..haha..sry boh..i'll let u win next time kay^^

Then there many more..but the wan i cherish the most is COPE..tat place is where i really learn to cherish all of u guys..tat place is where i admire friendship's i long for tat day to come back..but time is takes wat we cherish the most..leaving only memories..memories we either cherish or forget..but no long there is 3 kempas..they'll be more happy moments like this^^ coz we will create more..tat's for sure

Jun Meng

Friday, April 9, 2010



I forgot that this blog actually exists. I thought it extinct a long time ago. Maybe not exactly extinct, but lack of posts and etc.

What made me blog / log here?
It was also Angelica's blog.

Her blog post inspired me.

As I scroll through the pictures (not to mention, I'm mostly not in them, well yeah, we all know why.) I thought of how much fun we used to have. As a big family. And I remember how it felt to really feel involved together.

Then, I look now.

I'm not saying it sucks being me now.
But I really wish I can have both.

I'm having lots of entertainment right now.
I have more dreams to seek and achieve, I'm more hopeful.

But what I want and I miss, is the love I feel with all of you.

And I know, each and every one of you feel the same way too.

I read through the post. Wishing me happy birthday.
It really means alot to me.

No matter how gay the blog link is, I'll love this blog.

Don't mind if I make a few changes?
I even changed my picture.
New hair!