Friday, October 24, 2008

okay mak... i was actually so surprised to see so many posts!!!

this blog really crack me up!!

i shall first comment about the posts..

*angelica, I LOVE THE PICTURE!!! And do you have to put me as BIMB?? and i saw your's was under "SHORT" and i thought zhenyang or joel editted this picture... i scroll down and find out it was YOU!!! *

*zhen yang, i love your camera!*



easy.. this is where i post alot and alot and alot of pictures of ME!!!

i am known as the BIMBO of the class.. doing really weird things and not to mention embarassing and outrageous things that cracked jelly, dumb boh and chels up!!!

i've been in kempas for 2 years and Kempas is nuts!! Filled with einsteins!.. Being in kempas is just like entering a FAIRYTALE *here i go again*.. *going all imaginative*..

felicia loves to.. laugh, play, sing, dance, annoy boh yee.. ...

felicia can.. make jelly, chels and dumb boh laugh..

felicia is happy..

felicia was.. born on the 11th october 1993..

felicia would love to meet... Adriana Lima, Daria Werbowy, Nick Jonas.. ...

felicia would love to be.. Giselle Bunchen





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