Thursday, November 13, 2008

Once in A Lifetime Experience

OOOOkay this is my first time bloggin so goes nothing.

Name :Tan Jun Meng

Nick Name :Erwin Tan, Ginger(my tuition name), Lady Erwin(cc me =p),ET,Sabo King(after the COPE)

Post in class : Naib Pengerusi/Teachers Pet/Joker

B'day : 30/10/1993( It's halloween eve btw)

interests: Football,reading(i guess)

Yesterday was the best day EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been a long time since we got together..the whole bunch of class its like yesterday we were sayin our last goodbyes.. givin free hugs n wishin happy holiday 2 each flies whether we'r havin fun or not......Anyway lets skip the emo emo part n go straight 2 my day wif my buddies... im gonna cut this short for CK's sake. We started of by doin an Indian dance called Bangrah or something like tat which was very hilarious n fun. Next we played a few puzzle game tat tested our brain power. After lunch we played paintball FREEDOM VS INDEPENDENCE(im in freedom red) Final score 2:1 FREEDOM .. after tat we got ready 4 jngle trekin Just b4 we enter the forest, we were given a shock by mama nature 2 bolt s of lightin just 10-15 metres away(how close was tat? imagine the odds lol) to wake us up 4 we were frezin there. In the jungle we past many terain n had some slide in the muddy slopes. Everyone got bitten by a leech except Zhen Yang(bloody lucky guy) n i got 3 leeches WTF!!!!!!!!!! bleed nonstop u noe.

At the end of the day i've learned 2 b more sportin in dancin, to work together, trust each other, help each other in difficult time n last but not least 2 appreciate all my friend around me n just b........b a family. I would like to give special thanks 2 Harry Mak 4 organisin this activity, Zhen Yang n Farhana 4 the pics n the rest of u 4 makin this trip a memorable 1. Kempasian 4ever


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