Monday, December 22, 2008

My Last Cheer Performance

Yo guys!!!! how ya guys thinkin ur all very bored wif blogin or something ...accually im pretty bored at bloggin...but since i got something to share....why not?? so here is my last cheer 4 this year was held at NIKKO HOTEL in KL...btw marisa's aunty invited us to the ar some pics i took at the hotel....

The Grand Entrance

We also had a room to ourselves...boys and girls different room la of course..

This toilet bowl was in one of our rooms...see the two buttons down there??it triggers a host tat helps wash ur cool

We were also treated a buffet there..

The Japanese corner

The Western Corner

Eater Beware!!!! resemblance CK ar...ZY so...nonono...SHU-FEI ahahaaha
Tats all i have taken tat oh ya just so u noe...i've changed my phone num to's the num 016-3337361

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