Friday, February 27, 2009


OK guys! march holidays are on the way..
And so are our exams :/
But im not gonna blog bout stupid exams.. Just gonna wish you guys good luck for your form 4 first term in whateva stream you are.. (:

Ok.. so for the upcoming holiday..
Lets have some fun again like we used to..

If any of you have any suggestions, gatherings, or whatsoeva... Please post it at the Cbox (:
Your suggestions are kindly appreciated...

Owh! and these are for 3kempasian 08 only.. 

If we all agree on that specific event.. we will post it on the side of the blog again (:
And I dont know who is in the picture below this post lol.. 

-Harry!! (:
quotes*I will someday be good in addmaths xD

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