Saturday, March 28, 2009

18 March 2009

Okay, MAK WAE HIN has been bugging me about the pictures so here it is.


Boon Aun

Shu Fei

Horng Yi

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

the ExAmS

first of all the exams were like...... no need 2 say. well i sucked at all except addmaths and eng lolz. i failed the accounts like teng man. i panicked until 4got to close the acc and carry down the acc. the bm oso nearly failed the teacher is soooooooooo dumb. all the pendapat anda wan all salah he say no key word!! i tot pendapat anda as long its logical and relevent to the question boleh edi. nvm the puki teacher oso no read half of the rumusan bcoz to many wordss -.-. well total was quite dissapointing even in bio and chem.physics sucks big time coz so many bebarang need to memorise not oni that well i duwan to say laa. i oni happy of addmaths haha i got full marks. business oso like teng the marks ok laa no fail got B but a lot of dumb mistakes. Well i need 2 go d bell ring oredi ok

~no one can be ashamed of you except yourself~
-UChIHaz ERz WEi-

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cheats Revealed

Hey guy..HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!!And just to make ur day better i'll tell u guys bout wat we(me&ZY) did durin the exams =P..haha sry's too funny di must share...lets c..1st asked me plenty questions..cthnya:'eh wat is weird in malay??' Yang even asked teacher..damn smart rite..haha..2nd day was..nvm bout days i cant recall the subjects la..srew exam..add-maths...haha..funny cau cau..i gave yang 4 answers and he scored 6/90 4 add maths..beat rueben by 1.5 marks...funny thing is rubber took tuition..yang dun..haha u should see their face in class wei:"WAT THE F**K!!How u beat me one!!i got tuition samore"shout rubber at yang "i dunnu..smarter than u la"yang answered...damn lame...we also swap paper durin physiks...tat wan damn scary..teacher keep lookin at yang's paper tau...damn preasure 4 him..wat else ar...cant remember the rest di lol...but after 3 days we change place so perjanjian jun meng zhen yang dibatalkan...damn sad..yang if can add on k =)....choazz kempas

nerdy frento

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First term exam...

"Great people observes, best people steals"
"Active income hails from followers , Passive income comes from mindsets"

BM >Nothing to cheat
Add-Maths >CorkScrew it
Phyics >Oh hell yea obviously!

My predictions

Chemistry >Lots of backup around me
Moral >Finish in 7 minutes 
Accounts >Swapping papers
Mod. Maths >Perjanjian Tan-Thong
English >Follow rules
History >40% friend signals
         10% common sense
       50% TEMBAK!
= 20/40
= 41%
= PASSED! =)

Finally, I'm the guy down there.