Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cheats Revealed

Hey guy..HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!!And just to make ur day better i'll tell u guys bout wat we(me&ZY) did durin the exams =P..haha sry yang..it's too funny di must share...lets c..1st day..BM..lol..yang asked me plenty questions..cthnya:'eh wat is weird in malay??' Yang even asked teacher..damn smart rite..haha..2nd day was..nvm bout days i cant recall the subjects la..srew exam..add-maths...haha..funny cau cau..i gave yang 4 answers and he scored 6/90 4 add maths..beat rueben by 1.5 marks...funny thing is rubber took tuition..yang dun..haha u should see their face in class wei:"WAT THE F**K!!How u beat me one!!i got tuition samore"shout rubber at yang "i dunnu..smarter than u la"yang answered...damn lame...we also swap paper durin physiks...tat wan damn scary..teacher keep lookin at yang's paper tau...damn preasure 4 him..wat else ar...cant remember the rest di lol...but after 3 days we change place so perjanjian jun meng zhen yang dibatalkan...damn sad..yang if can add on k =)....choazz kempas

nerdy frento

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