Saturday, October 24, 2009

I 2nd Felicia!!
Yes! what the tuut. you guys talking bout. hehe. :D
Haha. Holidays are coming people.. when are we having an outing again :D. weeeeeeee
In the mean time, good luck in your exams! try to be a good boy and a good girl, its the finals, so try not to cheat eh! :D

Yes Outing!
Suggestion anyone? Leave a comment in the Cbox :D


Sunday, October 11, 2009

ANYWAY... ahem ahem...



Saturday, October 10, 2009


--Intercepted? No, think bout it this way, if she knows it, she'll be prepared for what to come. If you catch her by surprise, rejection is her only option. Learn to differentiate war and evangelising my friend. It's 2 different thing. But there are similarities, and the most important of all, you've gotta always speak with authority. Remember, if the canon closest to the castle doesn't fire it, none other will. Now, if one ways not working, take the other. Stop using the hard way. Go buy her one.

Your concerned friend

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To My Concerned Friend

Dear Friend,

Thanks 4 ur concern my concerned friend. If things is as bad as it seems,then i ave dissapointed u. My girlfriend has a hide so thick,not even laser can penetrate. Her will of being...different is so great tat even me,as almighty a conquerer as can be, can find no way..absolutely no way to conquer her.I tried every way a could think of..but non prevail. If only you could help,but unfortunately,ur message to me ave been 'intercepted' and she now noe about this. We will not be able to catch her by surprise now. Our only option left is to do it the hard way. I'll not fail this time.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

To Jun Meng

Dear Jun Meng,

As time goes by, persuading your girlfriend to wear a dress is getting harder and harder. If only something in this world that can save her. And that something is nothing else but you. Not her parents, not her siblings, not me, not the man upstairs, not Mr. President, but you. If all hope upon you fails, mankinds very last hope has vanished. When everything meant everything to this world, hope is abundant. Sadly, that's not the case right now. And as long as you're one breathing human, putting things back together is your task. If you don't do it, no one will. The choice is yours, but you're not alone. And remember, the route to making her wear a dress starts from you.

Your concerned friend