Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just words by Fel !

as many of you know.. we went paintball yesterday. AND hell you will regret if you're not there!!!

*and this post is basically half copied from my blog*

Never did anything more adventurous and dirty than this.

Especially the fact that it rained still did not spoil our journey into the jungle.

I did not regret exploring the jungle although it was awfully painful and dangerous. Everything was just about working together and being really careful at all times.

The walking in the cooling river, the muddy slides, and very long and sharp thorns on the trees.

Through this once in a lifetime experience, We've gone through pain, happiness and laughter and danger with these ppl. We definitely grew alot through all the activities yesterday... We learned to trust, to work together as a team where no one is left behind.. through the tough yet really fun moments..

I did not regret a thing about it. I do not care how dirty i got or how much pain I've been through, Everything was worth it!!! Everything went so well.

and without the heavy rain, there wont be muddy slides, rushing rivers, scary lightning 5 steps away from us!!!

it is a gift from God to be able to know all of you hyper people, to be in the same class as you guys and to experience hell lot with you guys.

I love 3kempas08.


p/s: the facilities are so so clean. i love the place.

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