Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ahem Ahem. I would like to give a speech. Selamat sejahtera kpd bla bla bla.. kay skip tht part. I wanna talk about the few peeps frm 3kempas who made my life there as fun as it could be, then followed by the most memorable memory I had with each of them.

CHELSEA. This girl I tell you, whoaa. Not just strong but multi-strong. Get a pinch frm her & you'll have a blue black mark few seconds later. But she has her weak point too.
Most memorable: Making her blush tomato-red in science lab during form 2 :P

BOH YEE. Ahahaa who ever knows her knows she's slow. But right her slowness make her a really funny person. Talking to her makes you feel free. Seriously, it just takes away all my worries. & i love playing with her, especially snooker, arcade, badminton & so on.
Most memorable: Playing arcade with her & having her lose always xD

FELICIA. I think she'll be good photographer next time, & we all know why. This girl is my gossip partner. Yes yes I know it's nt good 2 gossip but sometimes you just can't stand some ppl right?
Most memorable: Dancing salsa & tango during pjk :D

SHU FEI. Once we both start laughing, we can't stop anymore. I can go on & on laughing with her. I don't know, it's like she has some sorta laughing gas or so.
Most memorable: Helping Felicia create a blog link & ended up with really stupid names while laughing for 2 periods non-stop =)

ALOHA. His name tells you about Hawaii edi. Yes. he loves hula dancers tht wear those coconut shells. & no he is not a good boy even though he always claims he is. He's actually gila I tell you.
Most memorable: Singing songs with him & arguing with each othr abt who's more sampat & sakai x)

ZHEN YANG. He started the rubik's fever in our class last time. & he's voice is, very high pitch as they have mentioned. He can even laugh evil-ly, which I think is kinda cool.
Most memorable: Going haunted house with him! It was really *scream*=0

JOEL. Him!? Whoaaa!! he was the founder of all short-things abt me! From 'angelica's-short' to 'disadvantages of short' to 'micronesia'! But he knows short has its advantaged too ya aha.
Most memorable: Him asking me 2 eat more koko crunch so I can grow taller :S

MAK. Every nursery rhyme tht comes up reminds me of him. His "feminine side" was said to be influenced by Shu Fei. But it's a way to identify tht Mak is feeling okay heh.
Most memorable: Singing nursery rhymes on swings & rides =D

BOON AUN. He is very very nice & patient. He doesn't seem to have a temper at all.
Most memorable: hehh guessing the present Aloha got frm Shu Fei XP

He's growing evry year. He used to be much shorter than me & now we're the same height d. Am I the only one not growing or isit him thta just growing too fast!?
Most memorable: Sarcastic-singing-partner, explains it all ;]

JUN MENG. Teacher's pet sometimes? But he's helpful & when he's angry, it's really scary. Maybe it's only cause he gets angry once in a while.
Most memorable: Him kacauing me & tryna get on my nerves by pakating with Rueben D:

So that is all. You guys, thanks for the whole year. Sekian, terima kasih.

Angelica :)

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