Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What 3 Kempas do to make teachers angry?

What 3 Kempas do to make teachers angry and that is what makes 3 Kempas special

There are

1. First, we shall present Boh Yee the dumb dumb girl! When every teacher ask her a question, she always reply with a word *Huhhhhhhhhh?* ( With a super dummy dumby dumy duby face) All of them will ask her another question again, Can you pls stop saying HUHHHHHHH! She stops saying the word already! Bravo! But with a word Haahhhhhhhhhhhhh? Few minutes later. All of them pengsan already.

2. Then, Zhen Yang! Everytime he will do a very high-pitched voice like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that makes most of the teachers feel pissed off. There is a few records too that his beloved rubiks cube kena rampas by them. Of course, sometimes he will ask teacher: Where is my rubiks cube, you God DAMN BIETCHHH !@#$%^&*()! ^.^v His high-pitched voice started again! Teacher: Okay! I give up! Please! Have Mercy! =( Zhen Yang celebrates his victory with an evil laugh HUHEHEHUHUHUHEHEHEHEHUHUHUHUHAHAHAHAA~!

3. Here comes our class famous Ah-Long, Chelsea Ho! WOOO! Her way of making the teachers angry is very special. She needs quite a long time to collect the class fund but cikgu tak boleh tunggu dia. Then they will ask Chelseaaaaaaaaaaa, you haven't finish ar? Chelsea will reply them with a shout : TAK BOLEH TUNGGGGGU AR!!!? Woah, I am so proud to have a bendahari like her. She is strong too. She has defeated many legends in 3 Kempas: Zhen Yang, Er wei. Salutes!

4. Mak Wae Hin! Everybody knows that he is a famous swimmer, he can swim.. ( I tell you, with a speed of light) faster than a seahorse. Gosh! He always ajak teachers to swim. Hey cikgu, after school mahu go swimming tak? ( With a smile) Teacher: Why on Earth you always ask me to go swimming?! Mak: Oh you don want today is it? Tomorrow okay? I bring you go swimming in Klang, my coach very muscular wan you know. Want see him? Next day, all of them drown in the pool already.

5. Shu Fei! Shu Fei, the only pengawas in our class. ( Damn! So Potong !) I tell you, yes indeed she is a prefect. Butttttt Many people bribe her before and she accepted the bribes! She is the typical Malaysian type that likes to take KOPI money. One day, a teacher caught her accepting bribe from the students. Then the teacher asked What should you do now? Shu Fei took out RM100 and gave it to her. After that, the teacher kena fired for accepting the bribe from her.

6. Boon Aun! Let me tell you something. You don see Boon Aun so innocent, he is very cunning too. He will go in front of the teachers and say Retard! Noob! Noobtard. Teacher will say cari pasal ar you? Then he will grab the teacher's neck and give him a Boon Aun punch. Damn bad right? Besides, he is good at stealing stuff in the pejabat. You can hire him. Want his number? Pergi cari him yourself.

7. Angelicaa! Wah this girl ar. When there is no teacher in the class, she will ajak Boh Yee to go out. Boh Yee who was a good girl become bad already because of her. Damn BAD influence right! And thennnnn, every teacher always praise her in the class and says that she is a good example. But no no no, cikgu semua salah. After teacher chao already, she will become the bad side of Angelica Lee already. Until now. teacher still thinks that she is a good girl and haven't know the true side of Angelica!

8. Chun Kiat! Always kena catch for his hair. But there is just a small case. He can get the teacher's heart easily but still the teachers hate him. U know why? Do u know why?! Tell me, you know anot? I also don know. ALL THE THINGS HE DO IS TO FIND EXCUSE AND GO PONTENG. He also likes to play the computer curily in the Art Room. And when every teacher ask him what happened? He will say tak ada, cikgu. Tak ada.

9. Mervyn!Walau. This guy can be a professional already. When teacher is teaching, suddenly he will tell the teacher ALIENS ALIENS ALIENS. TEACHER, GOT ALIENS. Or either he will start to criticize the teachers badly. From day to noon to night to morning, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. Next day, still Blah Blah Blah. This is the reason why many teachers are scared of him now.

10. Felicia! Okayyy. Semua tahu kan? When every teacher talk to her or something, she will turn on the bimbo mode. Halooo Cikgu! ( With Bimbo style) Starting, teacher will not mind with her ADORABLE bimbo style. But later, they can't stand it and gone crazy. Have you ever heard of Disturbia? Rihanna get the ideaas from here about Disturbia. Miracle isn't it?

11. Joel! First of all, he is a troublemaker. When the teachers ask him 1 time, he answers them 5 times. When the teachers ask him 10 times , he answers them 1000 times. Of course, most of them are crapping. And then, teachers are annoyed by him. Do you know why?! Suddenly, he will shout ONE DAY I GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD WOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHEHEHEHEHE. UH HEHEHEHEHEHEE. Most of the teachers think that he is a freak.

12. Er Wei and Desmond! Both of them sit in the back seat. Er wei who is a towel boy and Desmond who is the DJ Deth always kena scolded by the teachers from being noisy AND THE WAY THEY LAUGH IS SANGAT WEIRD ( which annoys the teachers alot of time). But still the one that got the weirdest laugh is Er Wei.

13. Jun Meng and Farhana! I don think they got make any teacher angry before. Congrats to both of them! But try to make them angry next time okay?

14. Lastly,Horng Yi! Semua pun tahu kan? Me, Aloha Lee always praised by the teachers and never ever get any complain from them before. I am so proud of myself. =)

So this is why 3 Kempas is special cause the way they make teachers angry are special too

Written By,
Afrento Aloha

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