Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Love 3kempas Because.....

If you think you have heard this title before means you are a true kempasian and means you have been cheated by dumb contests made by Shell which makes you write all sorts of crap. No matter how much you write it doesnt matter because you can only write 20 words. Like in Wae Hin's words of wisdom:rip off. But since its a free world ill write whatever i want and Esso rocks harder than Shell. 
And so......the few reasons of why i love 3 kempas and all the humans which make it such a good place for talking crap and for that lovey dovey feeling i like to call the lovey dovey feeling.

1. I love 3kempas because there are so many types of people from around the world. Places      like bimbo land, lamer land, hawaii, alien land,the big blue places on the globe ppl like to call the big blue ocean, rubix land, cyberspacey land, anime land, ( and im serious Micronesia is a real country go google if you dont want to believe me). This is what makes 3kempas such a special place its like bread with peanut butter and jelly, like a keyboard with keys, like 3kempas with 3kempas,like..like..like coke with added sugar (yumm finger licking good).

2.I love 3kempas because no one is married or engaged so i can still call every 1 cik without worrying that i would get slapped.

3. I love 3 kempas because there is always a different person behind that sweet innocent face and never seem to get scoulded by teachers but people like me kena a whole lot of the blame. People like....boon aun, angelica, chelsea. boh yee, shu fei, and wei sheng.  These are the people who have made living on the edge possible for people like the people who gets all the scoulding by teachers. I would like to say thank you to these people ( i think...im still not very sure)

4. I love 3kempas because there is no such thing of a prefect in our class. i am pleased to say 3kempas is a pengawas free zone.( Shu Fei is not to be considered as a pengawas due to lack of names in her little book of fear therfore she is not to be seen or taken into consideration as a prefect). Which makes 3kempas the class of hopes and dreams because it is made out of 100% pure anti-pengawasian. Yeah woo hoo!!!!

5. I love 3kempas because my house is not yet being painted red and i like to pay for whatever the class along asks me to pay and i will do that with full cooperation. if you all really think i actually meant what i just typed then you have a serious mental illness if that is so im am really and truely sorry.

6.I love 3kempas because we do not act stupidly out of the school and in the school.( im such a big liar). Im also glad that none of the 3kempasian have ever been hurt in an attempt to play the I See Ghost Game and The Human Domino Game. These games is made by 3kempasian for 3kempasians.

7.I love 3kempas because there are always people who never seem to grow tired from chasing thier dreams like taking over the world, making the world at better place for crap, making Micronesia bigger, eating thus making less food in the world, making more paper airplanes, catching aliens. i fully respect these people because you make the world a better place. Like some old guy said heroes are not made thier conned.

8.I love 3kempas because all the china doll keep saying bao bei bao bei and it makes me feel nice because i feel like thier calling me yeah rite it is the 1 of the most irritating nice sounds i have ever heard in my life. It is another of the things which the Malysian government failed to do again.

9. I love 3 kempas because everyone wears nice white shoes.

These are the little small tiny little things which make this place we like to call 3kempas08 such a good place to do whatever we please. I will really miss the people in 3kempas and i don't agree with what some old guy said: all good things must come to an end because that guy obviously never studied or met the people of 3kempas08.

Written by,
Afrento Joel

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