Tuesday, December 23, 2008


hey guys.. wow this is the first time im writing in a blog..miracle..
anyways, i wanted to tell u guys sometin before i leave..
This is hard for me cos u guys are like my family and u have no IDEA how much im gona miss u guys...
U guys are the most fun fun fun and funiest friends i have ever had in my 15 years of living..
At home, when my mum asked me who am i going out wif, i will say my kempas family...
U guys r the best friends i could ever have and i am never ever going to forget that.

I would love to give my thanks and tell u how much i love u guys and also share some feeling that i didnt share before....

usually people start with ladies but sry girls, u gotta wait cos im startin with.........

Hey harry, u were my best friend in the 2 years i was in Kempas.. i could always tell u stuff eventhough u freak out but i love to see yr expression,hehe. I'm sry if i turn u too feminine(thats wat everyone says..even my mother!) but it was fun hangin wif u and i dont regret it one bit. I love the times we gossip, play tricks(super fun), plot on our revenge(mostly my revenge) and i will definitely miss the times we laugh together.love ya weirdo.


Jella,jella,jella... i still remember those 2 periods we laughed together makin stupid blog names for Fel, it was hilarious! we might be lame at some parts but the laughter still go on..i will remember those times when we play games and u will always side me... i loved u for it. And those outings that was never ending fun, u always invite me...Genting was very fun, thank god u didnt ffk me or else u would leave me wif the guys.. they will drive me crazy!!!


ALOHA!!! U my man, is one weird boy ,haha, i laughed alot because of your blurness and weirdness and yr bursting ego and yr self perasanness and yr stutter and..wah, damn alot... im gona miss all that.. im gona miss yr aloha dance too.. hope u can handle yourself man, dun let all the gurls beat u up and push u around (except for me ofcourse) Sometimes u freak me out but it always turns out hilarious anyways...


My dear chelsea... im gona miss yr moody moody mood swings.. im happy i could resist your pinching but i hope u dun hurt the others too much..we had fun times together and i love love love to bitch about yr ex-boyfriends but im sry to say that after all that bithching, u got back together wif him. im happy for u though, dun forget that. i hope u will have a wonderful bf that would not break yr heart and will make u happy. Dun fall for any loser k? if u did, u have my number.. we can have a bitching fest. hehehe.love ya


Mr. Zhen Yang.. i have many good & bad memories wif u my friend.. im glad we turned out friends though but i have to tell u, the fighting was pretty fun.VERY entertaining but im not sry i rampas your cube.. atleast maybe u can remember me for that,haha. im gona miss ur funny sound effects and weird ideas.. i had loads of fun... u,joel, harry and aloha will make anybody laugh,even Mahathir.Although we fight so so so much, i love u too dude.oh oh before i forget, can i have that video, it was awesomely touching!!!!


Gossip gurl Felicia... also my gossip buddy AND my source of gossip, im lucky u stay near me women! u have been a great friend Fel, u will always have ur weird and lame but funny sense of humour. U have ur original bimbo, happy go-lucky, perky character that i wont forget eventhough u emo alot sometimes, im still happy to have u as a friend.. but sometimes u break my heart Fel, u ffk me damn alot of times.. i think all the time.. but i always invited u on outings but most of the time i dun get a reply.. anyway, u will always be my perky gurlfren and i love u always!!!


Haih.. joel joel, dude, i never told u this before but im going to miss yr stupidity... it was really entertaining to argue with u.. last time, u couldnt answer back at all! u just look at me, but now u can and i feel happy u can but sry man, i still can always insult u and i always win haha.i am gona miss our stupid arguments and the way i kick yr sorry ass!!! fyi, u will NEVER beat the Cheong twins man, NEVER!!! i will also miss the way yr mouth open and close like a gold fish when i win haha fun memories man! AND i found out u have a soft side..blushin and speakin softly unlike yr normal rude way, shoutin here n there like a retard.. its weird but i guess i love u too man.


ahem ahem.. HHHeeelllllllooooooo FUN!!! I dun know y yr so happy all the time but dun worry, its a good thing. i hope u keep the kempas spirit up and keep them out of trouble for me.. im gona miss yr happy attitude and i am definitely gona miss yr sparkling,shining braces.. SHINNY SHINNY!!! i hope u find the man u wanted (if u know wat im talkin about, if u dun then ask me)hehe. u will be a wonderful photographer someday and make sure u give me free pictures k? haha i love ya fun and i will miss u...


The Famous CK!!! u are one daring boy man... when u find ur ultimate gurlfriend show me k? i wanna see hehehehe.. u r my lala chai friend.. make sure u dun turn too lala k? no offence... dun get into too much touble cos i wont be there to save u ( eventhough i dun save u often) haha but i have interesting times with u too.. i hope u dont grow too tall.. i feel too short already.. haha.. u act very big like a gangster but i know ur very good hearted, im not saying its bad too feel big and dangerous but just dun get into a big fight or sometin k? yr hamster face might be gone.. i will miss ye dimples man..love ya!!!!


My jun meng my jun meng, i hope the gurl of yr dreams wont break yr heart..i know u really like her and i hope to see u having your happy ending but if IF it doesnt turn out well, try others.. if it is too hard for u, u must promise me u will try to find other gurlfriends... if u have any problems at all then tell me k? anyway, u boy, have a great and huge heart, and i would like to thank u for all the help u gave me in school thank you thank you thank you.rmb that i love u k?

aww man.. im gona miss u guys so so so much man.. i hope u guys dun forget me so fast man..i had loads of wonderful memories wif u guys sniff sniff,
haih. make sure we go out in the future ya? i promise to visit u guys in school sometime... im sry im leaving...
Love u guys.

P.s the i love u's is in friendly term... dun get the wrong impression hehe XD

xoxo Shu-Fei

Monday, December 22, 2008

ZY gives an update

People, what's going on to this blog, goodness its dead? Since when our blog's dead. It hasn't been updated for more than 10 days now... 
I hope this video passes you the message. Watch it.

My Last Cheer Performance

Yo guys!!!! how ya guys doin...im thinkin ur all very bored wif blogin or something ...accually im pretty bored at bloggin...but since i got something to share....why not?? so here is my last cheer 4 this year 2008...it was held at NIKKO HOTEL in KL...btw marisa's aunty invited us to the event...here ar some pics i took at the hotel....

The Grand Entrance

We also had a room to ourselves...boys and girls different room la of course..

This toilet bowl was in one of our rooms...see the two buttons down there??it triggers a host tat helps wash ur arse...lol..damn cool

We were also treated a buffet there..

The Japanese corner

The Western Corner

Eater Beware!!!!lol...it resemblance CK ar...ZY so...nonono...SHU-FEI ahahaaha
Tats all i have taken tat day...lol oh ya just so u noe...i've changed my phone num to DIGI..sry..here's the num 016-3337361

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One day when Jelly just came back from pyramid & when was about to go out for dinner, Felicia smsed her & asked her 2 go to the curve d nxt day *thts really random & sudden* So ok la, they met up the nxt day there. Here are the pics. Pinjam the class blog to transfer pictures ya x)

So as usual, Pose + Picture = Felicia. & yes she was holding the camera in her hands while walking around :0

I prefer this picture of you then the one you like with ur smile :)

Felicia says this picture is really nice? But it look so sad, no? :(

Let's go green?

All the christmas deco's keeps reminding me tht CHRISTMAS IS COMING :D

A few more coming up in my blog kay fel. Patience.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finally, My Own Phone

Hi guys,i'm posting this post 4 fun so dun blame me if its lame kk.i finally got my very own PHONE!!!!!! form 3 oni got phone damn kesian rite year end samore . i want to apologise 4 all the inconvenients i've coz when u guys cant reach me.

My phone is SONY ERICSSON phone k zy n i gotta admit it's not bad. yes i know u said APPLE is better so n so no offence but i still think SONY is not bad. This is my first phone so u cant expect me 2 buy an APPLE product so maaaybe just maybe i'll get n 0ne k zy.Unless u'll buy 4 me la than it's a different story. No hard feelings k... my number is 018-3921590 call or sms me anytime.

Nerdy Afrento (et)

Friday, December 5, 2008


Christmas Party/ Potluck party

Date: 23rd (Tuesday)
Venue: Horng Yi's crib
Time: 6pm onwards...


hey. watching 90210. If you're a fan.. please call me. You'll be my best friend.

Aiyo, i'm talking crap larh!!

Anyway. I'm having a christmas party coming up. On the 24th December. So, basically I'm bringing other friends too. and i know you guys are damn open so i hope you guys can make it.

Dress code: semi formal (girls: dress, men: no jeans, no tshirts, no slippers)
Venue: Mega CMC @Dataran Sunway.
Time: 7pm to 12am

Please eat your dinner before you come.
Please call me if you are able to go.


There will be food, music and alot of people, games, dancefloor..

I'm incharge of the decorations.. so it will be AWESOME!!!

Christmas Party

How come it's so quite here today...
Anyway we're suggesting a Christmas Party. And no one actually suggested a date when Angelica asked. So we'll make it on the 23rd at the moment. Any problems?
We need at least 6 people to agree and it will be on.
The venue is not decided yet.
Don't worry it won't be somewhere far.
So just tell us if you can make it.

P/S: remember, 6 people...


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Alright alright, I wanna start talking here. First of all, Shu Fei and Er Wei, I'm so sorry I couldn't go for your farewell party. I hope you had a great time there. And Er Wei, I heard you went CC when it was your farewell party? I'm speechless. Nvm la, we'll all meet again =)

Secondly I wanna talk about Apple XD. No doubt they have the best products around. They don't ship lower end or moderate products. Let's look at the other big companies and compare it to Apple. Alright let's take Sony, one of the best in the market. Their products are awesome and yes I do love Sony. But the thing is, they ship a huge range of products which contains the good ones, the moderate ones, and the not so good ones. That doesn't go for Apple. They only sell the best products that they manufacture. That's why its kinda costly sometimes. Steve Jobs once said: "We don't ship rubbish". I'm going to list out 3 products of Sony that has been crushed by Apple. First, the Sony Walkman, now look at the iPod. Second, the Sony Ericsson. I know there are tons of people using it and loving it. Unfortunately this is Malaysia, ladies and gentleman the iPhone is a screamer. It's the smartest phone yet easiest to use in the market (trust me, I've got my 2009 Guiness World Record Book) Lastly the Sony Vaio... okok first of all... Have you seen a Macbook?
Guys, don't get me wrong as an crazy Apple fanboy. No, I'm not. My view for these kinda technologies is wide. And Apple did really caught my eye. And yes Joel, I do like Creative for MP3's. But only the ZEN X-Fi model. Angelica? I like the Samsung YP-S5 too =). So guys, whether you're a Sony, Samsung, Creative, Apple or wtv person. All of us rock kay... But still, Zune is the "best" XD 

Thirdly, Chun Kiat, I'll take off the survey kay? 

Finally, GUYS THIS IS NEWS BREAKING! find it out for yourself. www.runningoutofpost.blogspot.com

Zhen Yang

Monday, December 1, 2008

The 3 kempas flashback outing has been moved to the bottom of the blog. So don't think it's missing. It's been filled with the place, occasion & date =)

Ive put the exact date.. cause i have good memory xO

(even though jelly already put most of the date :P)