Monday, February 16, 2009


i actually agreed with Yang, are you on drugs? wouldn't be as fun is we get too serious with human, we naturally would insult people whenever it's true..i do admit i'm short like everyone said to's a fact and i accepted the fact long long time ago when i knew i am!

lets take an example, if you were to SIT STILL on your place the whole long year, listening to teacher, do homework everyday in class whenever you have free time, reading books alone and recess alone, how the hell am i gonna know you so well as how i knew you that well TODAY?

sorry isn't the word we all wants to hear..we really had lots of fun whole year long..i got no regrets for knowing you but i REGRETED not to know you earlier! when we were form 2, i didn actually notice you around..but when it comes to form 3, all your "insulting" words pulled our friendship stronger..helping each other with math homework, or mayb i shall say "i copy all your answer" when it comes to math homeworks..

remember the time we were playing the so called dot-dot game? having our evil faces out to own each other's territory? laughters and joy? even when teacher had came in the class, we were still thinking of a way to continue the game till never ends? remember our passed outing, COPE Adventure, how we co-operate to lift the "magic-rod" up and down with our eyes closed?

without you around, life in school is just a quiet road which only words, homeworks, studies, books and math formula exsists..........

this post is just to wake you up and i hope you will keep back your "sorry"..tell us that we are still 3Kempas Family..3Kempas 08` is the best class! i missed having fun jumping around, ponteng class for Camey, hanging out with you guys and lots more which is uncountable..

come back and find me if you wants to get back your "sorry"

I'm C.Ronaldo.K

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