Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yang, this blog isn't dying & kempas isn't too. Everyone is just really busy. You think too much & that video is so emo la! Must be happy! It's still holiday time so enjoy it cause it's gonna end soon!

Anyway kempa-ians, hope you all did well for PMR, which I believe you all did :) We're gonna be in different classes next year although some would still be in the same class but just wanna thank you all for making my days in 3 kempas filled with smiles.

Chels: 3 years straight, hope next year we'll still be in the same class
Boh: Dumboh! I'm still super happy for ur bm lah! no more calling u dumboh d.
Fei: u btr not ditch us once u go to sri kl!
Fel: i still love ur twirling-fringe yannoe
Aloha: looks like din get to sampat with you for our results huh :(
Yang: dont think too much! kempas are still 2gether
Mak: Ur cutting ur hair, rite rite? xD
Joel: one year closer to becoming a dish washer ya? :p
Boon: dont grow anymore or ur gonna be taller than me! NOOO
Jun: finallly, a phone!

best memoir during classes: I think it was on July? MUSICAL CHAIR at the back of the class with the radio turned on while teacher couldnt stop us! :D


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